Daily Archives: September 16, 2011

Follow Up On Wall-E

In my first weekly post I talked about how I thought it was interesting how we watched the beginning of Wall-e without sound. After having watched the first part of the movie without sound I actually started to notice the benefits. I gave more thought to the meaning of the music and background noises. The music was added a kind of dreary feeling in parts in which there was no human life around and just piles of Human wastes. It added to the effects of desolation and abandonment. I think the movie was trying to give you a bad feeling about the way the Earth was. To show us signs of how life could be in the future if we just sit back and allow our wastes consume us.

My actual hypothesis seems to be holding up pretty well. Having almost finished the movie Wall-E I believe I was pretty dead on about my thoughts with sustainability and our overall ability to maintain our resources. But I would also like to throw out a new theme I started catching onto, on how we are selves need to start getting involved in making a difference. A perfect example of this is when Auto is not allowing the Captain to take the ship back to earth. He stands up and says something along the lines of “I can’t just sit here and do nothing, that’s all I’ve ever done that’s all that anyone on this blasted ship has done , nothing!”. I think that is sending a message to the audience on how we need to get involved and make a difference.  Therefore to help our environment and our Earth.