All About the Moolan

Since we have been talking about Eaarth by Bill McKibben in english all week, I’ve decided to talk about one of the most important factors in the book for this week, Money. Bill McKibben said in Eaarth, “Money, in our system, equals information. It’s how we understand risk; it’s how we measure possibility; it’s the only gauge we have for understanding our collective future. If you have a lot of money, you have a lot of options, and if you don’t have much, your options narrow” (McKibben 69). I agree with everything Bill is talking about when it comes down to money. I can’t get over the fact that it seems like nothing ever gets done in this world we live in because, we simply don’t have the money to spend on issues such as the environment.

It seems as though everything always revolves around money. So much that the Author Bill McKibben relays extraordinary amounts of information based on how much money damages can cost or will cost. From what I have read almost every single page in this book has a statistic revolving around the money caused by damages or future damages of global warming. I’m new to all this information on global warming but, it seems like this issue is a big deal. So I started asking myself when are we going to start investing bigger chunks of money into global warming. Instead of things such as the running for office, or military, etc. If we even want a future on Eaarth at all we have to start ponying up the dough at some point.

About sneakyheals101

golf, hockey, and other things

Posted on October 14, 2011, in Weekly Posts. Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. I agree with you. I mean, everything we do has to involve money. Nothing is “free”. It’s ridiculous. I hate how we’re more focused on military and elections and oil. That stuff isn’t going to matter in a couple decades. By that time it’ll be too late anyways to invest in anything to help with Global warming. We’re so worried about our money, too. The fact that we have to spend money just scares the crap out of everyone. Investing in anything right now would just bring chaos. Of course, it won’t bring as much chaos as when the world is about to end…

  2. It seems as if were always investing in things that don’t truly matter when it comes to sustaining, and it’s a shame. At a certain point we are going to have to make some things free if we want to progress towards a brighter tomorrow.

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