Peer Review

I feel like I’m going to use my editors review a lot. He gave me some great feed back on some ideas that I could change to enchance my overall thesis. He liked my overall theme I was going with towards analyzing Wall-e. With my essay he wanted me to exapand a little bit on some of the claims I bring to the table for support. More connections to the real world to add more support to my argument. But overall I feel like I got the most help with my essay while reading their essay. When I say this I started seeing things I should do with my paper to support my arguments, while at the same time seeing things I shouldn’t be doing with my essay. I feel like the peer review really open my eyes in every aspect both reviewing and getting reviewed overall great experience!

About sneakyheals101

golf, hockey, and other things

Posted on November 16, 2011, in Self Reflection. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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