
I chose to write on Paul’s blog for this week. He gained a different perspective on the interaction of the two main characters that I didn’t think about with relating them to the real world. I wanted to let him know I agreed with him on his thoughts.

Follow Up On Wall-E

In my first weekly post I talked about how I thought it was interesting how we watched the beginning of Wall-e without sound. After having watched the first part of the movie without sound I actually started to notice the benefits. I gave more thought to the meaning of the music and background noises. The music was added a kind of dreary feeling in parts in which there was no human life around and just piles of Human wastes. It added to the effects of desolation and abandonment. I think the movie was trying to give you a bad feeling about the way the Earth was. To show us signs of how life could be in the future if we just sit back and allow our wastes consume us.

My actual hypothesis seems to be holding up pretty well. Having almost finished the movie Wall-E I believe I was pretty dead on about my thoughts with sustainability and our overall ability to maintain our resources. But I would also like to throw out a new theme I started catching onto, on how we are selves need to start getting involved in making a difference. A perfect example of this is when Auto is not allowing the Captain to take the ship back to earth. He stands up and says something along the lines of “I can’t just sit here and do nothing, that’s all I’ve ever done that’s all that anyone on this blasted ship has done , nothing!”. I think that is sending a message to the audience on how we need to get involved and make a difference.  Therefore to help our environment and our Earth.


I chose to write on Luke Walker’s blog this week. I felt like I could relate to his opinions and thoughts on the Nietzche reading.


For my first weekly post im going to give some of my thoughts and opinions on the start of the movie Wall-E. I thought it was very interesting that we chose to watch the beginning of Wall-E without sound rather than just postponing the screening. I’ve never really thought about music playing such a key role in the development of a story. I’m curious to how my opinions and thoughts about Wall-E will be altered by listening to it with sound on monday.

As the more and more I watched the beginning of Wall-e, I started to pick up on some signs in the movie that I believe are getting at the main point. I think the ultimate point of this movie is sustainability and overall the ability to maintain life on Earth. Eventually we are going to run out of resources. I think it’s getting at how we need to conserve and do a better job of protecting our environment. I got this idea from every one leaving Earth in space ships. Also how he finds the one piece of life (the leaf) around massive piles of trash. I could be completely off in this prediction. Hopefully with watching the movie next week I can either get more detail to support my hypothesis, or to lead me down a different path.

Self Introduction

Hello class this is Austin Masuga. I’m currently a freshman here at SIUE. I chose to come to SIUE for many different reasons. One of the main reasons I chose to come to SIUE was the fact that they offer a major called CMIS. I really enjoy computers and I wanted to eventually have a job in the technology field. That’s why I decided to start looking more into majors relating with computers. Another reason why i chose to attend SIUE was for the fact that this college is definitely reasonably priced. I’d rather not be in debt for the rest of my life!

I learned in High School the type of writer I am is the procrastinater! Being the procastinater is not the type of writer you want to be people! Being stressed out about papers at the last-minute is never any fun. It also doesn’t allow you to do your best writing possible. And will most likely have plenty of mistakes in it. I somewhat enjoy writing if it is a topic of interest. If im suppose to write about something I don’t care for or about i really despise writing. My High School teacher would probably say a lot of my papers look rushed and lacking content. Coming to college my preconceptions about writing were “Oh know!! huge essays every week!!”. I was always told about how many papers I would have to end of writing in college english course. I feel like this class and the direction I think this class is going I don’t really see that being the case. I’m glad this class is more of a blogging or free type of writing then constant essays. Also it allows me to write in a way in which I wouldn’t have a gun loaded next to my computer, just kidding. Overall I’m glad i ended up coming into this english class. I enjoy what we have been doing so far with analyzing pieces of literature, hopefully I will soon catch on to other sides of stories that I haven’t been looking at.

Overall I have really enjoyed my time spent at SIUE so far. I’m really enjoying my decision to come to this college. I have awesome teachers for the most part except for math, oh well. I have been enjoying being away from my parents a bit as well, the freedom that college gives you is sweet! Well that’s me in a nut shell about SIUE, writing, and english!